PT. HARAPAN JAYA MARITIM was established in order to provide ship owner and the managers with the most reliable services in the most essential sections which they highlight.

We have two departments which provide with each independent service as crew agent and partnership including recruitment consulting.

We do help customers get the most cost-efficient services for vessels by balancing both the requirements candidate of good quality and a demanding budget cost.

We as a Crew Manning Agency, which selects recruits and delivers seafarers to its clients (ship owners and ship managing / crew managing companies and crew manning agency companies).

We want to have a strong business relationship with the shipping company and the crew manning Agency Company, we are committed to provide maximum service

We always perpetrate all crew test and interview for the agree whit activate level, certification and health before joining to vessel.

And we provides knowledgeable and trained crew members who are experienced in the management and operation of Tankers, Bulks, Cargo, Offshore, Survey and others.